Training The Shot

Transferring Power Through The Hips


Loading & Transfer of Power

As we shoot we bring our stick back rotating the thoracic spine and and pre=loading our rear leg to initiate the shot. As you start your shooting motion your hips will snap through followed shortly by the upper body, arms, ending with the release of the ball. That is a massive wind-up and release of energy.

Crashing Over The Pelvis

After creating all of this tension during the pre-rotation/loading phase the body will have to efficiently transfer that energy into the actual shooting of the ball. This transfer of power begins and ends with the legs/hips. In order to release that power and create a whip like effect that fires off the ball at the end, our hips and legs need to act like the wrist and hand throwing the whip. Meeting the ground with a stiff lead leg will limit the amount of energy lost whilst rotating and shooting the ball.


Med Ball Series: Phase 2

Transferring Power Efficiently Through The Hips


Progressions From Last Week

1-arm Rotational Shuffle Throw

Set/Rep Scheme: 3 x 3-5 reps each side

Frequency: 2-3x/wk for 3-4 weeks

MB Weight: 6-12lb (based on strength & proficiency)

Block: Phase 2

1-arm Rotational Shuffle Throw w rear foot hop

Set/Rep Scheme: 3 x 3-5 reps each side

Frequency: 2-3x/wk for 3-4 weeks

MB Weight: 6-12lb (based on strength & proficiency)

Block: Phase 2

Medicine Ball Side Hip Toss

Set/Rep Scheme: 3 x 3-5 reps each side

Frequency: 2-3x/wk for 3-4 weeks

MB Weight: 6-12lb (based on strength & proficiency)

Block: Phase 2

Figure 8 Medicine Ball Side Hip Toss

Set/Rep Scheme: 3 x 3-5 reps each side

Frequency: 2-3x/wk for 3-4 weeks

MB Weight: 6-12lb (based on strength & proficiency)

Block: Phase 2

Medicine Ball Rotational Overhead Slams (Split Stance)

Set/Rep Scheme: 3 x 3-5 reps each side

Frequency: 2-3x/wk for 3-4 weeks

MB Weight: 6-12lb (based on strength & proficiency)

Block: Phase 2

Medicine Ball Rotational Overhead Slams (Athletic Stance)

Set/Rep Scheme: 3 x 3-5 reps each side

Frequency: 2-3x/wk for 3-4 weeks

MB Weight: 6-12lb (based on strength & proficiency)

Block: Phase 2