Drill Of The Week
Agility Drill #1
Here we’re blending in some of our pre-lift plyometric movements and adding in a reactive agility component at the end. These girls have already been through several months of various hop, jump, and bound progressions, but I wouldn’t consider this an advanced drill. Most of my middle school groups do something similar to this in a relay-like fashion, same with my college & pro’s depending on time of year and training focus.
Big things I’m looking for:
1) Athlete is landing in a stacked sequence of Hips, Knees, Ankles - Creating the /\ “Triangle”
This allows the athlete to land balanced and have the ability to go in any direction. Creating this position will also help hide the intent of your dodge, keeping your defender on his/her heels.
2) Good Acceleration Angles:
Once you’ve committed to a direction, we want to make sure we’re creating the right projection angles with our upper torso, hips, shins, and feet. This allows us to optimally accelerate out of the dodge, cut, etc.